Where Do Foster Kids Go after They Have Aged out the System?





 There are no another’s kids – they are our kids even if they are not related to us by blood; they are community of where we live kids. The foster care, the idea of which goes back to the Old Testament, has been successfully functioning for many years in lots of countries as an addition to the orphanage, but what happens to those 18-19 year-olds that are “too old” to stay in the care facilities? The sad statistics show that many kids end up in the streets, and eventually in jails or even prisons. How and why that is happening and what can be done to try to prevent that? The partial answer is found in the Reno Eddy House: the organization founded and run by Lynette Eddy who tries to help those young former foster males that don’t know what to do with their lives. Eddy accommodates some of them (her house that she purchased especially for that holds 6 inhabitants) until they feel comfortable enough to be on their own. Her goal is to assist the young men with the essential skills and knowledge the still lack on: high school degrees and/or professional certificates that will allow them to find the niche where they can provide for themselves which will help them stay away from the troubles. “I want them to have vital skills such as bank account, job experience, degree certificate when they transitioning to the real world,” says Lynette. There is no date or time requirements when the boys have to move out of the house – everything is individualized. The house restaurant business – The Z-Pie – allows boys to get their sometimes very first job experience; 100% of its profits goes back to the house keep the restaurant running. The changes are tremendous: boys that come from the streets become college students (not all of them, of course, and not immediately). For all of them Eddy House is a starting point of a new life and a hope that this new life will be good. The business has its ups and downs like any small (and not only small) businesses; as it is the only source of profit, sometimes it struggles. As for the help: as easy as it can be: come and eat at Z-Pie: what you are paying for the food goes to the house and help those kids to get the experience to succeed in their life. The house also encourage the outside help/ volunteer in the following areas: IT Specialist, Handyman, Seasonal Administrative jobs. For those who are interested the info can be found on the Eddy House website: www.eddyhouse.org I wonder if the volunteer experience can be applied as an internship for our students not to mention an overall positive experience they can get by working in such establishment!

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