Comments on Class 03/27/2014

The most recent Diversity class for many of us (I would even say for all of us) was very emotional: almost towards the end of the semester in just one class we learned or had known about each other probably more then we could have even if we had taken several classes together (in some cases that is how it was: we did take classes together but all we knew about each other was a name and the name of the program or progression in the program of study, and that is also ok, as it is common in classes that have a different “nature”). All of us was willing to share lots of thing, personal things that is. Strange – we were not obligated or required to do so; all what assignment said was “what do others need to know about you?”, yet 99% were sharing things that sometimes were very personal; we were talking honestly about what interested or concerned or worried us. We were saying things that sometimes we say to very close friends, or a counselor, or even nobody because we don’t want to be judged, or embarrassed, or even misunderstood or misinterpreted by others, yet we were talking freely about those thing in class! I think, that the timing was chosen not accidently: the class was preparing us for that: by participating in lots of class activities, going on field trip to jail, discussing the current racial and other issues in class, all the assignments including the topic for papers and blogging, have led us to the point where we could start discussing not only somebody else’s problems but ours in the light of the class concept – diversity. We are very diverse and we got a proof of that by listening to each other. I am sure each of us had learned something new not only about his or her classmate but also about himself after the class: I, once more, realized that we should not take everything for granted; of how lucky I was and what other people have to overcome to become of what they are now; that it is ok not to want to share everything or to share to a certain extent. Diversity is not an easy subject, even its definition is changing as our world and our perception of it is changing. I can hardly imagine the class to be taught in a different manner but the one that we have: linked to the real, current issues, following the newest trends and every little change occurred. I wonder what my blog team thinks about the last topic discussed.

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